Experiencing Omani Cuisine

One of the greatest experiences when you get to come to a country like Oman is the food.  Not only the types of dishes you try, but the manner in which you eat them.  In this culture, we all eat on the floor and with our hands from community plates of food.  These dishes usually include yellow rice, chicken or lamb, and vegetable plates.  Even though it may get difficult and messy, it is a fun experience to share food with one another in such an intimate way.  I am so excited to eat soon with the local Omanis we’ve made friends with these last few days.

Yliana and Caitlyn

2 responses to “Experiencing Omani Cuisine

  • Codi

    I miss y’all so much!!! sounds like you’re having a great time!

  • Cheryl Williams

    I am so glad you are finally getting to put out pictures. It’s nice to see the involvement you all are having. Hope to see more soon. Have fun and come back home safe. We all miss you and wish you well. Love you ALL!

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