Category Archives: Folktales

Halimah and the Snake

Today while wondering around the Grand Mosque, I stumbled into a small gift shop.  On the bottom shelf – all alone was a book called “Halimah and the Snake and other Omani Folktales” by Grace Todino-Gonguet.   I picked it up figuring it would be an interesting read and a fun way to learn more about the culture.  On the way home I read the first story – “Halimah and the Snake” .  A fantastic Omani version story similar in ways to Cinderella and The Princess and the Frog.  Only instead of a fairy godmother there was a mermaid.  And instead of the frog there was a snake.    The story was illustrated with beautiful cultural pictures.  I’m excited to read the rest over the next week and get a different perspective of a people and culture I have grown to appreciate and love.