Category Archives: Art

Edge of Arabia

This past weekend we were able to go to the Edge of Arabia Art Exhibit – featuring artwork from 17 different Saudi artists.  The artwork was beautiful, creative, and thought provoking.  Event organizers are available at the event to walk you through the exhibit and explain the artists thought, purpose, and process for each piece of art – which was an incredible experience.

One of my favorite pieces was “The Street Pulse Project – Evolution not Revolution” Artist Ahmad Angawi has placed microphones around the city of Jeddah for people to speak anonymously about what is on their minds with the goal of eventually collecting thoughts and opinions from thousands of people.  “This is an ongoing interactive piece that will evolve with the contribution of different people, whose voices will be recorded from different locations in the Arab world – each area or city will have its own sound, its own voice. The Microphones on the streets offer an opportunity to speak and express oneself. The project acts as an electrocardiogram (ECG) machine, which instead of measuring the vitals of the body, would measure the pulse of the street, to be silent is to flatline…”. (quoted from website)  While we were there we had the privilege to meet Ahmad Angawai and hear is vision and dream for this project.

Another of my favorite exhibits was this baby with the umbilical cord attached to a video controller with words written on it like – drugs, sex, brainwashing, etc…  A thought provoking piece challenging one to think about what we are feeding today’s children.


The exhibit will remain open in Jeddah until February 15 – it is a must see for those who are in town.

Halimah and the Snake

Today while wondering around the Grand Mosque, I stumbled into a small gift shop.  On the bottom shelf – all alone was a book called “Halimah and the Snake and other Omani Folktales” by Grace Todino-Gonguet.   I picked it up figuring it would be an interesting read and a fun way to learn more about the culture.  On the way home I read the first story – “Halimah and the Snake” .  A fantastic Omani version story similar in ways to Cinderella and The Princess and the Frog.  Only instead of a fairy godmother there was a mermaid.  And instead of the frog there was a snake.    The story was illustrated with beautiful cultural pictures.  I’m excited to read the rest over the next week and get a different perspective of a people and culture I have grown to appreciate and love.

Traditional Buildings and Upcoming Travels

A few weeks ago we stumbled across this really cool exhibit at one of the malls in Jeddah.  In an effort to preserve the traditions and cultures men from around the country came and showed people traditional ways and styles of building homes.  People were able to work alongside them making bricks, windows, and roofs.  Check out the video…

Traditional Saudi Buildings from AE Video Manager on Vimeo.

In the coming week, college students from the USA will be participating in a culture education adventure through Oman.  During their travels, they will be adding posts and pictures to this blog regularly.  Check back throughout the week to see what all they are up to and hear about their experiences.

Old Jeddah

There is an old historic part of Jeddah – called the Balad District.  It is a really fascinating part of the city.  The old buildings are built out of blocks of coral.  The windows are covered with beautiful latice that allows a breeze to blow in the home while allowing the women to remain unseen.

While many of the buildings have been abandoned, there are still many people living in some of the old structures.  It looks like part of the area is under restoration.  It would be absolutely incredible to see some of the old homes restored.

A peak inside the open abandoned buildings reveals delicate geometric paintings, colorful paneling, intricate ceilings, hidden courtyards, and much more.

Take a peak into Old Jeddah!

Old Jeddah Nov 2011