Monthly Archives: September 2012

Reflections on a Saudi Family Party

One thing I have appreciated the most in my time here is the way my friend’s family has opened up their home to me and treated me with so much love and hospitality.  I learn so much from them each time I get to see them.  There are so many ways that they remind me exactly of my own family.  They may do things differently as far as culture goes, but they really do possess the same qualities as any close family from home.  We have enjoyed playing soccer together and riding bikes on their roof top, making up funny dances, and playing games together.  I love watching her younger brothers play around with each other, just as my brothers did growing up.  I’ve gotten to witness moments of siblings fighting over which one gets to use the car that night, and have been with the sisters when taking way too long at a mall to find shoes for a wedding the following day.  They really are just like families from home, though they may look different on the outside.  It has been such a beautiful thing for me to learn from and be a part of.

By Michele

A Saudi Family Party

The party was held at my friend’s cousin’s house and all of the aunts, cousins, and small sons and daughters were present. Upon entering the house, I felt as though I were entering into a hotel lobby.  The house was newly built, elegant, and very spacious.  We ascended a spiral staircase to the main level of the home which was buzzing with about 30 children and 30 women.  I knew it was going to be a fun night.

We were greeted by the cousin who owned the home, and our abayas and head scarves were taken to be hung on hooks.  My friend and her sister went straight to the mirror to fix their hair since it had been covered for the car ride.  We sat in the main living room area and visited with different family members as we drank fruit smoothies. Some of the women spoke English very well, and we were able to get to know one another a bit.

A couple hours of visiting and playing with the kids had passed when the dining room table began to display many colorful dishes and desserts.  I have been surprised to find foods here that resemble salads or casseroles from home.  The dessert I chose is a very common one here, similar to rice pudding in the States.  By the time we finished eating, it was around 10:30 p.m.

At 12:30 a.m. I saw the women start rolling out a plastic cloth on the floor and setting down large round trays of rice and chicken.  One of the women could probably tell by the look on my face that I was not ready to eat again, and laughed and said, “Saudi tradition!”  They insisted that I bring home a plate for lunch the following day.  Soon, we were gathering the children, saying “Thank You,” and “Goodbye,” and loading up the car.

By Michele