Monthly Archives: May 2012

AE Oman Summer 2012

In a few days, college students from the USA will be participating in a culture education adventure through Oman.  During their travels, they will be adding posts and pictures daily to this blog.  Check back throughout the next two weeks to see what all they are up to and hear about their experiences.


Moving Camels

A few weeks ago we tried to go to the annual Rose Festival in Taif.  As we drove up the mountain pass we noticed a few baracades in the road.  A few days before there must have been rain so rocks and mud slid down on the road and the road was currently impassable.  Really wanting to see the Rose Festival, we drove to the bottom of the mountain where there is a park with a Telefreek (Gondola) that goes to the top of the mountain.  It was early afternoon on a weekday – a slow time for business – so it was closed for maintenance.  Our next thought – attempt to off-road through the desert and over the mountains.  We found a trail but quickly realized it was too intense to go alone on this desert path without off road gear or extra water.

Out of options we decided we would have to wait until next year to see the Rose Festival.  As we pulled off the sand and back onto the road to head home, we saw something which I have never seen before.  We saw a large herd of camels being directed by several men riding alongside them on camels and in 4WD vehicles.  Curious – we stopped for a minute to talk to one of the herders.  He introduced us to the owner  and we chatted for a bit.  We sat in the car and watched them herd the camels across a busy street and onto the desert path we had earlier attempted.  It was truly an amazing site.  I now have a new item on my “bucket list”  join a group as they herd camels through the desert and over the mountain pass to Taif.  Someday…